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$20m bribery: Indicted foreign company bids for NPA contract

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission says it is still investigating  the $20m bribery scam involving a company, Dredging International Services (Cyprus) Ltd. and some former officials of  the Nigerian Ports Authority.

There were  reports in August that  the Swiss authorities, had through the Office of The Attorney General, Department of International Affairs on May 2, 2012,  indicted the company and  some  top  ex-NPA officials in a $20m bribery.

According to the reports, Dredging International Services (Cyprus) Ltd. was fined One million Swiss Francs by a Switzerland court for bribing Nigerian officials.

However, nothing had been done to the indicted NPA officials despite the fact that the Swiss government wrote a report on it and sent it to the Federal Government during the regime of former President Goodluck Jonathan.

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