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Saraki’s Acquittal, Evidence Of Corruption In The Judiciary- CACOL

The Coalition Against Corrupt Leaders has reacted to the judgement of the code of conduct tribunal absolving Senate President Bukola Saraki of any wrong doing.

The group says the acquittal stands as a strong indication of corruption still pervading the corridors of Nigeria's judicial system.  Read full statement below

Ostensibly, out of political expediency, Senate President, Bukola Saraki has just been discharged and acquitted by the Code Conduct Tribunal, CCT over the false assets declaration charges leveled against him in a ruling that the Centre for Anti-Corruption and Open Leadership, CACOL finds very disturbing as it smacks of compromise on the side of the Federal government.
We view the judgment as a political one achieved by the so-called anticorruption-focused APC-led Federal government for the purpose of settling its intra-party wrangling and discontent. The ruling is a big indictment on the government’s anti-corruption drive given that Saraki’s case had been of the most prominent and most vigorously pursued one out of the several corruption cases being prosecuted by the FG.

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