Across Nigeria Corruption Matters Main News News

Stop Sagay from attacking N’Assembly, Senate urges Buhari

The Senate, on Thursday, strongly condemned the Chairman of the Presidential Action Committee on Anti-Corruption, Prof. Itse Sagay, for his criticisms of the National Assembly.

The lawmakers urged President Muhammadu Buhari to rein in Sagay, who they accused of spreading falsehood and making hate speeches against the federal legislature.

They alleged that Sagay was fond of using every opportunity he had to make public speeches to disparage the National Assembly by using “uncouth and unprintable words” to describe the legislators and the institution they represent.

The legislature alleged that Sagay had been one of the few divisive elements in the Buhari administration who believed their relevance was enhanced only when they created constant tension between the legislature and the executive, while also setting members of the executives against one other.

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